The Connect sidecar is equipped to emit Prometheus metrics to provide observability into the health of the oracle sidecar.

Metrics Emitted by Connect

Connect will emit the following metrics from the oracle sidecar:

  • Liveness counter for every update cycle
  • Counter for the number of times a market has been updated
  • Price updates per ticker per provider
  • Aggregate price updates per ticker
  • Count for number of providers used in a price aggregation
  • Count for number of times a provider included a price used in aggregation
  • Connect binary build information

Metrics Emitted by Application

  • Oracle client response latency
  • Number of Oracle responses
  • ABCI method latency
  • Size of messages
  • Aggregate ticker prices written to app state
  • Prices reported by each validator
  • Status of reports from each validator

Need More Metrics?

If you find yourself wanting more observability than what is provided, please open an issue on our GitHub repo.