Exposed Metrics

By default, Cosmos SDK application expose metrics on port 26660. These metrics are in the Prometheus format and can be scraped by any monitoring system that supports Prometheus format.

Oracle Client Connection Metrics

  • oracle_response_latency: Histogram that measures the time in nanoseconds between request/response of from the Application to Oracle.
  • oracle_responses: Counter that measures the number of oracle responses.

ABCI Metrics

The following metrics are measured in the following ABCI methods: ExtendVote, PrepareProposal, ProcessProposal, VerifyVoteExtension, FinalizeBlock.

  • ABCI_method_latency: Histogram that measures the amount of seconds ABCI method calls take.
  • ABCI_method_status: Counter that measures the number of ABCI requests.

VE/Price Metrics

  • message_size: Histogram that tracks the size of vote-extensions and extended commits that Connect transmits.
  • oracle_prices: Gauge that tracks prices written to application state.

Network Metrics

  • oracle_reports_per_validator: Gauge that tracks the prices each validator has reported for any block per ticker.
  • oracle_report_status_per_validator: Counter that tracks the number of reports per validator and their vote status (absent, missing_price, with_price).