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The Connect SDK provides bindings for the x/oracle and x/marketmap modules.

Adding Connect SDK To Your Contract

The version of the Connect SDK for your contract depends on the Connect protocol version of the chain.

Connect Protocol VersionConnect SDK Version

How to find the Connect Protocol version

The protocol version of Connect can be found on the chain by either:

  1. Checking the chain’s go.mod file.
  2. Checking the required version in the quickstart

Add the following line to the dependencies section of your Cargo.toml:

connect-sdk = { git = "", tag = "CONNECT SDK VERSION HERE", package = "connect-sdk" }

Safely Accessing Price Data

The following checks should be made before utilizing a price from Connect in a contract:

  1. currency-pair exists within the x/oracle and x/marketmap modules.
  2. currency-pair is enabled within the x/marketmap.
  3. price block_height is not older than a few blocks.
  4. price nonce is not 0.

Code Example

This code example is for v0.1.0 of the Connect SDK.
use connect_sdk::bindings::query::ConnectQuery;
use connect_sdk::bindings::querier::ConnectQuerier;
use connect_sdk::bindings::marketmap::types::CurrencyPair;
use cosmwasm_std::{Deps, Env, StdResult, Int128, StdError};

fn do_something_with_price(
    deps: Deps<ConnectQuery>,
    env: Env,
    currency_pair: CurrencyPair
) -> StdResult<Int128> {
    let connect_querier = ConnectQuerier::new(&deps.querier);
    let base = currency_pair.base.to_uppercase();
    let quote = currency_pair.quote.to_uppercase();

    // Check if the market exists and is enabled
    let market = connect_querier.get_marketmap_market(base.clone(), quote.clone())?;
    if ! {
        return Err(StdError::generic_err("market is not enabled"));

    // Check price validity
    let price_response = connect_querier.get_oracle_price(base, quote)?;
    if price_response.nonce == 0 {
        return Err(StdError::generic_err("price has never been updated"));

    let max_price_age: u64 = 3; // adjust based on appetite for price freshness
    let price_age = env.block.height - price_response.price.block_height.unwrap();
    if price_age > max_price_age {
        return Err(StdError::generic_err("price is too old"));

    // We can now do something with the price
    let valid_price = price_response.price.price;

    // Placeholder for actual price processing

Full Example Contract

Example Contract here: example.