Post /v2/fungible/msgs_direct
This supports cross-chain actions among EVM chains, Cosmos chains, and between them. Returns minimal number of messages required to execute a multi-chain swap or transfer. This is a convenience endpoint that combines /route and /msgs into a single call.
Whether to allow route responses requiring multiple transactions
Whether to allow swaps in the route
Toggles whether the api should return routes that fail price safety checks.
Amount of source asset to be transferred or swapped. If this is a swap, only one of amount_in and amount_out should be provided.
Amount of destination asset out. If this is a swap, only one of amount_in and amount_out should be provided. If amount_out is provided for a swap, the route will be computed to give exactly amount_out.
Array of bridges to use
Map of chain-ids to receipient and/or sender address for each chain in the path. Since the path is not known to the caller beforehand, the caller should attempt to provide addresses for all chains in the path, and the API will return an error if the path cannot be constructed.
Map of chain-ids to arrays of affiliates. Since cumulative_affiliate_fee_bps must be provided to retrieve a route, and the swap chain is not known at this time, all chains must have the same cumulative_affiliate_fee_bps otherwise the API will return an error.
Chain-id of the destination asset
Denom of the destination asset
Whether to enable gas warnings for intermediate and destination chains
Array of experimental features to enable
Percent tolerance for slippage on swap, if a swap is performed
Indicates whether this transfer route should be relayed via Skip's Smart Relay service
Chain-id of the source asset
Denom of the source asset
Swap venues to consider, if provided (optional)
Number of seconds for the IBC transfer timeout, defaults to 5 minutes